Starseed Web - Website Design - Online Marketing - Logo Design

About Starseed Web

Hey There! I'm Victoria.đź‘˝

I’m a freelance web designer & online marketer based out of Yuma but work with clients from around the world. 

I launched Starseed Web with one mission: to use my 20 years of marketing superpowers to help small businesses blast off and shine like the brightest stars in the galaxy!

I find it incredibly rewarding to work with


These are themarketing channelsI'm passionate about!


Website Design


SEO Marketing


Email Marketing

A quick lookat my soulful journey

My journey has been an incredible adventure, and I’m sure it always will be—because that’s just who I am. We only get one life, so why not chase what sets your heart on fire?

[2006-2007] Started my band & LATV Network

In my teens, I formed a band called Pride Before The Fall, which sparked my passion for marketing, design, and management. The band gained momentum, eventually competing on LATV Networks Battle of the Bands, where we took first place on national TV! It was an unforgettable highlight of my life and shaped much of who I am today.

[2008] Opened Modern Cultures Music Venue

After the band split, I continued my passion for music by opening Modern Cultures, my first brick-and-mortar business—a music venue! This experience taught me a lot about running a business, and I got to dive into another passion of mine: audio engineering, by handling the live sound. It was an incredible time where I brought down some amazing bands to perform right here in Yuma! I was only 18 years old!

[2015-2016] Working at Local Agencies

I worked with two local marketing agencies, taking on roles like graphic and website designer, which immersed me in creative work. I was even invited to become a business partner and Chief Creative Officer at another agency. These experiences were invaluable, teaching me the importance of teamwork and helping me fully recognize the value of my creative talents.

[2017] Creative Two & VIDM

I moved on to launch my own creative ventures, Creative Two and VIDM, both focused on design—ranging from print visuals to web design, and a bit of social media. These businesses were the perfect foundation for what was ahead, and I had the opportunity to work with some amazing Yuma-based companies over two years. However, after my father passed, I took a break to heal and care for my mother.

[2018] Father Passes Away, I Turn Warrior

After my father passed, I felt a void and needed something to reignite my passion. That’s when I discovered Steel Mace Training, inspired by my father’s health struggles to prioritize fitness. I became a steel mace coach, launched, and used my marketing skills to grow it into a successful brand—my first trademark, and still running strong today.

[2019] Evolution

I joined the Evolution Strength team as a group class trainer and handled their marketing efforts. It’s was an Olympic weightlifting gym that provided many individuals with the space and guidance to grow and evolve till it's last days during COVID Outbreak.

[2022] I Start Writing Music Again

After my dad passed, I stopped making music since it was something we shared—he taught me guitar, and it was painful to continue. Eventually, I found my way back to songwriting, a passion that soothes my soul. I started a solo project, Tori BLK, wrote an entire EP, and still write music to express my emotions and stay creatively active.

[2023] I become Marketing Manager at Regener8

With my experience, my family asked me to be Marketing Manager at their functional medicine clinic, and I gladly accepted! Using my marketing skills, along with my background in fitness and nutrition, I’ve helped their business thrive while supporting their mission from behind the scenes. It’s the only in-house role I’ve taken on, and I’m proud to be part of their team.

[2023] Graduate in Metaphysics & Reiki

I'm proud that my mama saw me earn my Bachelor's in Metaphysics from the University of Metaphysics. Now, I'm a metaphysical practitioner, ordained minister, and certified Reiki Practitioner (Levels 1 and 2). Spirituality is as essential as breathing to me, and it's woven into everything I do. I'm also pursuing a Master's in Metaphysics—my journey continues!

[2024] Mother Passes Away, I Become a Health Coach

Yes, my mother passed away this year, leaving a void in my heart. This loss made me realize the brevity of life and the importance of pursuing our passions fully while helping others. After two years as her full-time caregiver, I learned many lessons that made me stronger. This experience inspired me to pursue health coaching to better understand chronic conditions and make a difference in our community and beyond.

[2024] Starseed Web Begins!

Everything I've done in my life has led me to Starseed Web—what a journey it's been! I’m clear on my passion: helping small businesses grow. I understand their struggles and am here to lend a helping hand. My mission is to fill the gaps and support you every step of the way with Online Marketing.

What's an"About" Pagewithout fun facts!?


I'm Mexican-Chinese

They call it La Chinesca in Mexicali, Baja California. Historically the largest Chinese community in Mexico! My father was half Chinese, and our roots trace back to fascinating stories.


A Forever GC Fan

My all-time favorite band is Good Charlotte, and some of my best teen memories are walking out of packed concerts with my green mohawk totally flattened.


I am Clairsentience

 I’m clairsentient, meaning I can sense the energy and emotions of others as soon as I walk into a room. It’s like having a built-in radar for people’s vibes! This gift makes me super intuitive and helps me work with energy on a deeper level.


(1) The focus: to help small busineses thrive

I create personalized marketing strategies that help small businesses reach their full potential and hit their goals.

(2) Marketing built on Trust & Authenticity

My work is grounded in transparency and creativity, ensuring real results through genuine, dependable marketing solutions.

(3) Intuition-Led Marketing

I combine intuition and strategy to deliver marketing that resonates with both you and your audience.

(4) Always Passion-Driven Partnerships

I only work with purpose-driven businesses, creating marketing that reflects your brand’s true heart.

(5) Holistic Branding for Elevated Success

My creative, holistic approach ensures your brand is authentically positioned and elevated across all channels.

Ready to take your business toOrbit?

Book your free 30-minute discovery call with me! We can do it over zoom or phone.